If a fish girth is not specified the default value fish girth 058 length is used. Measured immediately in front of the dorsal fin typically the fattest part of the fishit is possible to estimate the weight of your fish without a girth measurement but it will not be as accurate. Lengthweight conversions for marine fishes of texas. To estimate the weight of your catch measure the fishs total length from tail to the mouth then refer to the appropriate table below. Yes it is possible to get an approximate weight for many species of fish by measuring their lengths. The fish weights are calculated with the formulas below.
A fish of normal weight has a relative weight of 100 percent. Select fish and enter length in inches. For panfish bass trout pike muskie and walleye. From the nose of the fish to the fork of the tail not the tips of the tail straight down the lateral line of the fishtry to avoid the temptation to squeeze in an extra couple of cms. Trout steelhead mackerel snook redfish bonefish fish weight length girth girth 900 salmon bass fish weight length girth girth 800 walleye. The relative weight of a fish does not indicate its health on a continuous scale from 0 100 however.
The relative weight w r of an individual fish is its actual weight divided by its standard weight times 100. Data and formulas are from studies conducted by tpwd and other scientific groups all lengths are total lengths unless fork length fl or lower jaw to fork length ljfl is indicated. Use a ruler to weigh your fish. If a fish is 20 inches long and has a 12inch girth its estimated weight is 20 x 12 x 12900 288090032 pounds what do you want to read next.