Coast guard allows nurses to enlist or be commissioned if they meet the height weight standards or the body fat standards. Coast guard height and weight requirements posted on last updated. The coast guard has established the bmi standard of 190 minimum and 275 maximum regardless of age or gender. Comments2 5009 views the us coast guard is often not the first branch one thinks of when considering joining the us military. Coast guard height weight charts. Maximum body fat allowed.
The coast guard is the only us armed force service that considers an individuals weight with respect to gender height and frame size. Cim10208hcoast guard weight and body fat standards program manual created date. Coast guard weight and body fat standards program manual comdtinst m10208h author. Measure height to the nearest 12. All coast guard military personnel are screened against maw. Potential recruits who exceed the weight standard for their height can have their body fat determined.
April 28 2020 april 28 2020 author katie b. Maximum height weight chart. Below are the coast guards height and weight allowances for recruits to enlist. The coast guard weight standards are based on body mass index bmi a weight that corresponds with an individuals height. Measure height without shoes.