Be aware that there are variations of this formula which are also sometimes called the ponderal index. It is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters 1. Weight divided by height gives this value. In this last example the package is being shipped internationally so the cubic size is divided by 139 instead of 166 which makes the dimensional weight 25 lbs. There is also the reciprocal ponderal index which is of course the height divided by the cube root of body weight. The first is called dead weight.
Welcome to our website for all weight divided by height gives this value. 24 x 12 x 12 3456 cubic inches. 3456139 25 pounds. Shippers will be charged the greater of the dim weight or the actual scale weight. Freight carriers utilize the greater of the actual weight or dimensional weight to calculate shipping charges. Dimensional weight is calculated as length width height dimensional factor.
That is the actual weight of the item to be shipped in its completely boxed and ready to ship form. If the result is greater than 1728 inches 1 cubic foot divide by each carriers divisor shown below. Freight transportation companies charge one of two rates for shipping. Look no further because you will find whatever you. The other possible weight that a freight company may use to calculate shipping costs is called cubic weight and that is based on cubic feetmeters. Since you are already here then chances are that you are looking for the daily themed crossword solutions.
The higher the score indicating higher levels of body fat. When using the units of kilograms and meters a normal pi index value is about 12. April 17 2018 themed crossword clues. Body mass index bmi is a simple index of weight for height that is commonly used to classify underweight overweight and obesity in adults. Dimensional weight is also known as dim weight volumetric weight or cubed weight. Ponderal index ht m cube root of wt kg scoring.
The dim weight is calculated by determining the cubic size of a package which can be found by multiplying its length x width x height.