Learn about the world health organization who growth charts and how they differ from those of other agencies. The following documents describe the sample and methods used to construct the standards and present the final charts. Since 1977 pediatricians and other health professionals have used standardized growth charts to help parents keep track of their childrens growth. Weight for length percentiles name recor d 42 44 46 52 50 cm 48 50 w e i g h t w e i g h t kg lb 14 20 18 14 16 12 10 8 6 4 2 9 8 7 2 in cm. 2sd equivalent to bmi 30 kgm 2 at 19 years thinness. Who child growth standards.
Year of the nurse and the midwife 2020. Birth to 6 months. 6 months to 2 years. Weight for age charts boys percentiles weight for age. Birth to 2 years. World health organization growth charts appendix a world health organization growth charts bfg 4th edindb 823 12017 248 pm.
En weight for age charts and tables. Br utur nfants dolescents 824. There are different sets of growth charts that can be used. Lengthheight for age weight for age weight for length weight for height and body mass index for age. 1sd equivalent to bmi 25 kgm 2 at 19 years obesity. World health statistics 2020.