Body mass index is defined as body mass divided by the square of height. Consequentially on the weight side you can be a maximum of 250 lbs and a minimum of 91 lbs. Learn about great opportunities for enlisted airmen officers and health care professionals. However you will be expected to work toward meeting the standards and must do so if you want to commission as an officer in the air force. Applicants shorter than 54 or taller than 65 had to. The air force does not offer a weight reduction program.
The air force uses weightbody fat measurements only for initial entry and a body composition measurement is an integrated component of the air force physical fitness test. You can find out yours by using an online bmi calculator. Previously aspiring air force pilots were required to have a standing height of 54 to 65 and a sitting height of 34 to 40 inches. This requires using calibers to pinch specific areas on the body to take measurements. If youre over the maximum it is up to you to get your weight down. Your weight must fall within the minimum and maximum allowable standards.
Calculating body mass index. Individuals who exceed the maximum weights are measured for a body fat percentage. As you can see the absolute tallest you can be in the air force is 80 inches or 6 8 and the shortest you can be is 4 10. Learn about great opportunities for enlisted airmen officers and health care professionals. With all this said the air force requirements are contingent upon a weight range for your height. Below are the air forces height and weight requirements for recruits to enlist.
The weight requirements are exactly the same for males and females. Using skin fold calibers. Applicants below 64 inches 54 or above 77 inches 65 can now enter a cockpit without a waiver. Welcome to the united states air force. A bmi of 185 of 249 is considered normal weight. Welcome to the united states air force.
Air force announced this week that it is changing its height restrictions for pilots.