Like we mentioned in the aggregated data calculator dont rely on weight alone for any health judgement. Currently there persist several popular formulas and our ideal weight calculator provides their results for side to side comparisons. Your bmi is indicating your weight is in the category for adults of your height. You can also use your weight in pounds and height in feet and inches if you prefer. This bmi calculator shows how you compare to others of the same age and height. More details on the topic and the bmi equations explained are below the weight calculation.
Halls amazing body mass index calculator also takes into account your age and gender. This ideal weight calculator provides you the healthy weight recommended for your age gender and height as of four main body mass index formulas. Simply fill the three fields gender height and age into the ideal weight calculator and press the calculate button to find out your ideal weight. Understanding your ideal weight. By incorporating this information our calculator can determine the ideal weight for both women and men as well as the how much you should weigh for a specific height. Median weight by age for men and women.
Because of possible rounding errors in age weight and height the results from this calculator may differ slightly from bmi for age percentiles calculated by other programs. See a health professional if you have concerns. The ideal weight calculator takes into account the two unique factors of your height and age to calculate your ideal weight. Measuring height and weight accurately at home. This ideal weight calculator is an approximation and based on the standard equations provided by welltech solutions. Your ideal body weight varies based on gender age and current health.
The ideal weight calculator computes ideal bodyweight ibw ranges based on height gender and age. Calculators are appropriate for healthy non pregnant adults. Is the ideal weight calculator reliable. For your height a normal weight range would be from to pounds. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure diabetes and high cholesterol. Metabolic syndrome for instance relies on weight height blood pressure cholesterol triglycerides and other markers for a diagnosis.
Our free calculator utilizes the scientifically approved formula m l² focusing on your height as well as age and gender to appropriately place you within our ideal weight chart. The idea of finding the ibw using a formula has been sought after by many experts for a long time. For people 20 years old and older use the adult bmi calculator.