Soldiers fail to meet army height and weight standards for various reasons which range from poor eating habits and training to just plain lack of discipline. The impact on the soldiers career for failing the armys weight standards. The soldier fails to meet the army body composition standards per ar 600 9 and the sole reason for separation is failure to meet those standards. 1 men in general may not be receiving an appropriate connection to effective evidence based nutrition and exercise counseling. Inform spc blank blank of possible actions that could adversely affect his career. The key to successful counseling for specific performance is to conduct the counseling session as close to the time of the event as possible.
Weight and tape standards per ar 600 9. When a soldier fails the tape test he or she must be counseled on a da form 4856 flagged. Possible key points to discuss during counseling. Tell the soldier the purpose of the counseling what was expected and how they failed to meet the standard. Participation in the army weight control program a soldier with such a medical condition will be processed through medical channels. When counseling a soldier for specific performance take the following actions.
Spc blank blank noncompliance with the army overweight and body fat standards iaw ar 600 9. Over a third 35 of men aged 2039 years and 41 of men aged 4059 years are obese with a body mass index bmi 30 kgm 2. The topic of obesity is critical to address as obese. Height and weight counseling da 4856 jan 23 2019 army da 4856 purpose of counseling. Obesity rates in the us continue to rise especially among men. Possible courses of action and corresponding solutions.