If your girl falls in the 50 th percentile it means that 49 baby girls of the same age are shorter in height than yours while 50 baby girls are taller. Its helpful to know that these charts offer pieces of information that your doctor can assess in the context of other developmental milestones the size of the people in your family and other factors. Baby girl growth chart 0 12 months a growth chart for a baby girl is created based on her height weight and head circumference measurements taken from time to time. Birth to 24 months. For boys the 50th percentile would be about 141 pounds. The normal weight for a 3 month old baby girl is between 97 172 pounds while the normal weight for a 3 month old baby boy is between 106 183 pounds.
The doctor usually weighs the girl by placing her on a weighing scale meant for babies. Girls length for age and weight for age percentiles published by the centers for disease control and prevention november 1 2009. The average newborn is 19 12 inches 495 cm long with girls measuring 19 inches 49 cm and boys measuring 19 34 inches 50 cm. The first set of measurements is taken at the time of birth. For girls the 50th percentileright in the middle of the packwould be about 128 pounds. Different charts are used for boys and girls and different charts are also used for babies younger than 24 months and for those 2 years and older.
Girls at 7 pounds 1 ounce32 kg are a bit smaller than boys at 7 pounds 4 ounces33 kg on arrival. In the united states the average baby weighs about 7 pounds 3 ounces 33 kg at birth. Food chart for babies tips for reading your baby girls height and weight growth chart.