The program requires you to meet specific weight standards which are based on their height weight and gender. Under the awcp you will be required to weigh in at least once every six months. Participation in the army weight control program a soldier with such a medical condition will be processed through medical channels. 2 17 and. Height and weight counseling da 4856 jan 23 2019 army da 4856 purpose of counseling. General statement for counselingno edit required.
Counseling and evaluation for regular army and reserve component soldiers on active duty 3 6. Relation to other separations. The soldier fails to meet the army body composition standards per ar 600 9 and the sole reason for separation is failure to meet those standards. Xx lbs screening table weight. A chapter 18 separation action will only be used if the failure to meet weight control standards is the sole basis for separation. Army under the provisions of chapter 5 8 11 13 14 ar 635 200.
X i am counseling you for the performance expected of you noted above. Xx authorized body fat. Possible courses of action and corresponding solutions. Meet the weight control standards contained in ar 600 9. O clarifies guidance regarding performing proper height weight and body circumference methodology paras. You are also not in compliance with height and weight standards iaw ar 600 9.
Body fat assessment failure within 36 months of release from army body composition program 3 14 page. Xx lbs soldiers actual body fat. When a soldier fails the tape test he or she must be counseled on a da form 4856 flagged. Apft failure counseling xfdl weightbody composition. Failure to show for apft. Army body composition program release.
Inform spc blank blank of possible actions that could adversely affect his career. Weight control program removal docx weight control program counseling doc abcp counseling. A soldier must be given reasonable opportunity to comply with and meet weight reduction goals. Failure to follow these orders is a violation of article 92 failure to obey order or regulation of the ucmj and may result in initiation of action separating you from the us. Spc blank blank noncompliance with the army overweight and body fat standards iaw ar 600 9. The impact on the soldiers career for failing the armys weight standards.
Weight and tape standards per ar 600 9. Soldiers fail to meet army height and weight standards for various reasons which range from poor eating habits and training to just plain lack of discipline. Possible key points to discuss during counseling. Da 4856 apft failure counseling example.