In addition explore many other calculators addressing finance math health and fitness. Using the tool provided below you can calculate your own body fat percentage. Select compute bmi and your bmi will appear below. So for example 26 body fat is quite acceptable for a male over 55 years old. The caliper and dxa conversion methodology can be found inside our body fat. Tracking your body fat percentage is one way to measure progress when youre trying to lose weight or gain lean muscle mass.
Body fat percentage and dxa to caliper to conversion methodology. It displays a number of results including the fat loss required to reach ideal body fat percentage. A recruiter can help you with determining your body fat percentage but you can also monitor your progress with the body fat calculator provided above. This free body fat calculator estimates body fat percentage based on the us. Keep in mind that this tool is not very accurate but more of a mere approximation of your body fat percentage based on your age weight and height bmi. But without the regular access to expensive options like the dxa scan we can calculate our body fat with a formula that takes weight and height into account.
The waist to height ratio to body fat percentage formula comes from relative fat mass rfm as a new estimator of whole body fat percentage a cross sectional study in american adult individuals orison o. A realistic indian height weight chart according to age along with other inputs combining bmi waist to hip ratio waist to height ratio and body fat percentage is bound to project a true measure of the ideal weight. However this would be classed as over fat or obese in someone in their late 20s. Woolcott richard n. The body fat chart also shows that the percentage of fat needed for the body to function properly increases with age. Body mass index bmi waist to hip ratio whr waist to height ratio wthr and body fat percentage are four ways of assessing a healthy weight and combining them may be the best way to get an accurate idea of whether you should consider taking action or not.
Enter your weight and height using standard or metric measures. But it isnt the entire story of your overall health. If you are over the prescribed weight for your height you can still qualify by being below the specified body fat for your age based on standards. Granted no body fat calculator is 100 percent accurate. Body mass index bmi is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Calculate your body mass index.
The most reliable calculators so far those based on height and weight. Calculate your body fat percentage. Navy method as well as the bmi method.