This calculator provides body mass index bmi and the corresponding bmi for age percentile based on cdc growth charts for children and teens ages 2 through 19 years. 1 height and weight ratio charts are not truly accurate measures or indicators especially for young children and teenagers. 2 young children and teenagers often have growth spurts during their growing. Interpretation of the chart. 2 to 20 years. Weight for age and body mass index are two growth charts used to assess teen weight.
Boys stature for age and weight for age percentiles author. To combine height and weight see our bmi by age calculator. Thus you are presented with separate height and weight charts for men and women to help you ascertain how close or far you are to the ideal weight. Median height by age for men and women. A 115 pound 13 year old girl at the same height has a bmi equal to 225 which falls at the 85th percentile and is considered normal weight. Growth charts nhanes 2 to 20 years.
The height and weight chart are meant to help you evaluate the association between the two components. Boys stature for age and weight for age percentiles created date. A weight between the 5th and 95th percentile is considered within the healthy or normal range. Data from adults in the cdc 2015 16 nhanes survey. Height to weight charts for girls and boys represent only a rough average and should be used in conjunction with a bmi calculator for kids. Height percentile calculator by age for men and women in the united states.
Heights measured at a mobile examination center mec. Because of possible rounding errors in age weight and height the results from this calculator may differ slightly from bmi for age percentiles calculated by other programs.