Boys stature weight for age percentiles for age and name record source. Body fat content worksheet male for use of this form see ar 600 9. Growth charts nhanes 2 to 20 years. The article below elaborates about such conversion charts so that the chart readings are convenient for you. Weight for height table screening table weight male weight in pounds by age female weight in pounds by age height in inches. Weight for height table screening table weight page 21 table b2.
The height and weight of a person are measured to calculate his bmi or body mass index. A height and weight conversion chart excel assures an easy conveyance of data for everybody no matter which units you are comfortable with. You have the ready made height and weight conversion chart templates today so that you can have the entire picture right before you on one sheet. Maximum allowable percent body fat standards page 21 table b3. It also includes the normal weight zones associated with the standard bmi range 185 25. Height weight chart templates 12 free excel pdf documents download a height weight chart as the very name suggests is a chart which records the height and weight of a person in a tabular form.
Measure abdomen at the level of the navel belly button. 2 to 20 years. The proponent agency is dcs g 1. 2 to 20 years. In the center column of the maximum weight for height screening tables see table 1 page 15 locate the members height with fractions rounded up to the nearest whole inch. Ideal weight chart formulas.
Y the national center for health statistics in collaboration with. This spreadsheet contains a table ideal weight charts and a calculator for finding your ideal weight using either the devine robinson or miller formulas. If the applicants weight is in the decline column they are not eligible for coverage at this time. Boys stature for age and weight for age percentiles created date. The physical health of a person depends on this bmi. If their weight is located in the class i or standard column you may continue with the application.
Instructions for completing da form 5500. To determine if the applicant is eligible for coverage locate the applicants height then weight in pounds in the chart below. Height to nearest 050 inch weight to nearest pound age prepared by printed name and signature rank date yyyymmdd rank date yyyymmdd enter circumference value step 4 step 3. Boys stature for age and weight for age percentiles author. The maximum weight in pounds for men is located in the left column and the maximum weight in pounds for women is located in the right column.