Recommendations for best life insurance companies for being overweight. These are guidelines and may differ among life insurance companies. This can be advantageous for women because it can give females a bit more leeway in terms of a higher yet still acceptable weight. Being overweight but otherwise healthy can still make it hard to buy term life insurance. The table is fairly generic but gives a general idea of the allowable maximums for the best life insurance rate classes from most companies if. From height and weight tables of the metropolitan life insurance company 1983.
Courtesy of the metropolitan life insurance company. If you are not obese but your weight reaches a certain level you will have to pay more for term life insurance. Height and weight chart for life insurance rate classifications. Height and weight underwriting guidelines are important factors that life insurance companies use to help determine your rate class. The ideal weight given in these tables are for ages 25 to 59. Term life insurance height and weight chart sample term life insurance height and weight chart should be reviewed.
Actual carrier build charts vary some more generous others more strict. For instance in some cases an insurer will use a unisex life insurance weight chart versus a separate height weight chart for females. Below you can see what a unisex height and weight table could look like. The ideal weight given in these tables are for ages 25 to 59. Surgery for morbid obesity desirable weight there are different methods of defining desirable weight but the two most commonly used in clinical settings are the 1959 or 1996 1999 metropolitan life insurance tables and the body mass index bmi.