Br j prev soc med. For the most part genetics plays a role in how tall or short an individual is. Pmc free article roberts df. Khosla t lowe cr. It must be pointed out that it is very difficult to separate the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the height and weight of children. Weight is less affected by genetic factors than height but weight is highly correlated with height.
Body weight race and climate. Howe pe schiller m. Nutrition the variations found in height and weight are here examined in greater detail. Among others the maternal age order of birth and crowding within the uterus determine the weight and height of babies. First born babies for example have a birth weight of about 100 g less than second or third babies. Common environmental influences were found to play an important role in influencing variability in body weight height and bmi in early childhood in both sexes particularly for body height where the influence of the common environment remained significant for a longer period up through 12 years of age.
However common environmental influences were for the most part no longer significant by early to mid adolescence. Environmental factors play a significant role even before birth. It must be pointed out that it is very difficult to separate the influence ofgenetic andenvironmental factors onthe height andweight ofchildren. For humans height and weight is determined genetically and environmentally. Weight is less affected by genetic factors than height but weight is highly correlated with height. Growth responses of the school child to changes in diet and environmental factors.
By using a weight for height index the influence. Nutrition the variations foundin height andweight arehereexaminedin greater detail. Indices of obesity derived from body weight and height.