We use cookies on kaggle to deliver our services analyze web traffic and improve your experience on the site. Mustafa ali updated 2 years ago version 1 data tasks kernels 28 discussion 1 activity metadata. Explore and run machine learning code with kaggle notebooks using data from 500 person gender height weight body mass index. I then looked at the top 5 heaviest sports and found this in kilograms. Sport min max average tug of war 750 1180 9561 basketball 590 1560 9168 rugby sevens 650 1130 9100 bobsleigh 550 1450 9038 beach volleyball. Below is the output of the command.
This data set gives average masses for women as a function of their height in a sample of american women of age 3039. By using kaggle you agree to our use of cookies. The dataset contains 6292 records of 3333 players height and weight parameters at 16 world championships. We use cookies on kaggle to deliver our services analyze web traffic and improve your experience on the site. For height we can see that the average is 6636 inches and the min height is 5426 inches and max height is 7899 inches. Star wars characters database as an api and as an r package includes height weight birth date and several other attributes for characters from the movies.
Download 418 kb. Splitting our dataset to train and test sets. The data contains the variables. Similarly for weight the average is 16144 lbs the min weight is 647 lbs and the max weight is 26998 lbs. Height and weight random generated body mass index calculated height and weight random generated body mass index calculated. Includes datasets like population of us cities car speeding and warning signs weight data for domestic cats canadian womens labour force participation and egyptian skulls.
500 person gender height weight body mass index height and weight random. Use over 19000 public datasets and 200000 public notebooks to conquer any analysis in no time. There is also a blog post with some analysis of this dataset httpsikashnitskygithubio2017ice hockey players height this post is also available in russian. 400 xtest x 400. Explore and run machine learning code with kaggle notebooks using data from 500 person gender height weight body mass index. As you can see if i group by sport i can take the min max and average weight and height for each sports players.
We use cookies on kaggle to deliver our services analyze web traffic and improve your experience on the site. Inside kaggle youll find all the code data you need to do your data science work. Weight heightcsv weights and heights. Xtrain x.