Can you explain this answer. The questions and answers of the height at which the weight of a body becomes 1th 16its weight on the surface of earth radius r isa3rb4 rc5 rd15 rcorrect answer is option a. We know acceleration due to gravity at height h from the surface of earth is. The height at which the weight of a body becomes 19th its weight on the surface of earth 7773335. Weight is the force by which an object is attracted to the center of a planet. What is the height at which the weight of a body becomes 116th of its weight on the surface of the earth.
Therefore therefore the height at which the weight of a body becomes 1 by 16 its weight of surface on the earth is 19200 km. The height at which the weight of a body becomes 116 th its weight on the surface of earth radius r is. Are solved by group of students and teacher of neet which is also the largest student community of neet. The weight of an object is equal to the force exerted by the earth on it. Here r is radius of earth ie r 6400 km now weight at height h is. Find the height over the earths surface at which the weight of a body becomes half of its value at the surface.
And weight at surface of earth is.