Everyone will suck your dick. Some singers sound heavy and dark when using too much vocal weight and some singers sound light and disconnected when using it. Kamata misaki and is a character voice type vocaloid. Megurine luka vocaloid2 vocaloid4 piapro studio songs albums notable originals megurine luka 巡音ルカ codenamed cv03 is a japanese vocaloid developed and distributed by crypton future media inc and was initially released in january 2009 for the vocaloid2 engine. Private upcoming and cancelled vocaloids included. If you do not like the most popular vocaloid songs you are not a true vocaloid.
Illustrator an infobox image affiliation kagamine rin derived. They are the second set of vocals for cryptons character vocal series and are. Merli vocaloid3 songs albums notable originals merli メルリ is a japanese vocaloid developed and is distributed by the yamaha corporation created in collaboration with i style project. Her name meguirine means the sound that travels all around the world. She is the third release of cryptons character vocal series and is a character voice vocaloid. December 27th 2007 gender.
She was released in december 2013 for the vocaloid3 engine. Im the type of person who sticks to canon info so i made this for reference but in case you guys need it you can save it. Kagamine rin len vocaloid2 act2 append vocaloid4 english piapro studio songs albums notable originals kagamine rin len 鏡音リンレン codenamed cv02 are japanese vocaloids developed and distributed by crypton future media inc and were initially released in december 2007 for the vocaloid2 engine. Jazz latino and electronica seem to be the preferred genres for her husky voice. Often use of too much vocal weight may not make the voice sound heavy making a proper diagnosis of what is really going on with the singer more difficult. A vocaloid vocalist character or mascot unofficial terminology refers heavily to an illustrated character of a vocaloid powered voicebank.
In march 2015. It makes people sad. Unlike most she can sing both english and japaneese. Unless youre justinbiebzhottie or halla4763 4. Height 162cm weight 48kg alias rinto kagamine western order technical information. December 27th 2007 hair color.
The marketing of a vocalist varies by company and some companies may provide their vocalist with a basic profile backstory or personality that the. Official height age and weight refs. Although a product name or miscellaneous representation like an avatar can be included. 45 kg luka is the newest of the vocaloids. If you criticize or satirize vocaloid you will be banned forever. Series type fanmade vocaloid.
02 chara item orange voice kagamine rin opt genre not defined additional information. Vocal weight and contrasting vocal colors. Her voice is provided by a contest winner japanese female misaki kamata 鎌田美沙紀.